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Majority of elders are all leisurely and carefree to drink tea and drinks
"Do not urgently believe the black front of a sky, there is news." Majority of elders are all leisurely and carefree to drink tea and drinks. "Lord in the island."Zhao Dan Chen sees toward the ancient Yong that shuts an eye to rest and restore energy, the thou Yong opens eyes, Zhao Dan Chen immediately after way, " we station 30,000 battalions to greatly postpone mountain here ……this news get abroad to go, will can't arouse other people's attention?" The thou Yong corner of mouth starts to be suffused with a silk to smile an idea, thin smile to say:"Elder, arouses other people to notice again how?I green island battalion in the lake put out iron dress door first, then prepare to attackstone to return a dollar religion ……now, station to greatly postpone mountain here.Have again what greatly not ground?Other religious sects even if know, at most also puzzle why do we station here.Is difficult don't become, can they associate the Yu emperor's treasure to hide?" "If each elder sees that free and unfettered temple, suddenly the general brigade stations on a certain Tashan, thought of again what?"The thou Yong sees to public. "I perhaps will doubt, free and unfettered temple is be not in the top of hill, discover what the big mineral hides."Zhao Dan Chen ha ha smile. Once many elders listen to and all smiled. Their these 13 people, know BE'the Yu emperor's treasure hide', so the heart bottom Tan Te fear to arouse other people's doubting.If is true secretive, once being discovered by other big religious sects, that perhaps would really doubt. But like this above board now, let the battalion station to come over. Perhaps, almost all religious sects, will think- Probably discover that the big mineral hides, want to occupy! "The Yu emperor's treasure hides, several big thousand in the last yearseses, all the nobody finds out.The nobody can thought of, we hide for the Yu emperor's treasure but arrive this.So, trust the brave order."The thou Yong smile way, with up superficially smile, ancient Yong heart bottom but still just a little some misgivings, " iron leftover evil in the dress door will can't know this secret?" Although there is this misgiving, the ancient Yong also has no idea. Exterminating a front door parties that exists through thousand years is to be not likely to uproot, kill light owner. Be like iron dress door, only in the pupil, non-commissioned officer of Chu's county then more than ten myriad people, there is also the person to is other to also station everywhere.Again severe of religious sect, also impossible iron dress door of such inveteracy, kill light each pupil!So, put out this kind of religious sect, core strength, inborn all of the superior kill light, enough. After all …… Leaves a little the day after tomorrow the superior is just.With lend for ten several the day after tomorrows, superior, can put out a green lake island? If green lake island so put out, be also not likely to exist so for several years. "As early as possible find out the Yu emperor's treasure to hide, hide a treasure to take!"Thou Yong dark way. "Lord in the island, island lord!" Outside and suddenly spread an excitement to shout a voice, a shadow of human figure once hadn't yet a notification to directly rush to come in. "Lord in the island discovered water in the underground lake!"This eye puts light and excitedly says. "Shout!" The 13 inborns strong almost all stood at the same time, the thou Yong stared at him, connect way:"Cautiously said the circumstance quickly." "BE, lord in the island."The middle age deeply takes a suck at spirit, " is such, 20 squads this time, an among those search squad and find out a bottomless deep hole in the miscellaneous grass cluster.Those hunters say this that deep hole deeply can not measure, don't dare into.At that time, there are 20 silver Jiao soldier non-commissioned officers, depended cordage, and rattan Man...etc., slowly the underground went.Is probably near half of two-hour period, if there are a few silver Jiao soldier non-commissioned officers frightenedly from break out of in the deep hole, , at the same time, immediately kill out of, also have a head of the demon the monster!" "Demon monster?" The thou Yong waits 13 people's eyes a bright. In fact they early know, the Yu emperor's treasure hides, world spiritual influence abundant, affirmation will appear special circumstances.Appearing a demon monster isn't strange.Appear there demon monster, explain ……very may, seek to the place.