erhaps you have been enticed to get into network marketing because you were told you could build your downline faster by looking for those millions of people looking for the opportunity to make more money. Let's face it Pat Neshek World Baseball Classic Jersey , who isn't looking to make more money? In my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes most distributors can make in trying to build their business and downline faster is by simply focusing on people who are looking for an opportunity.
Let me explain. If you are a "big dog" by all means, build your business however you want. But, if you are just starting out or have not seen the success you are looking for, then it is time to listen up.
When you focus on the opportunity to build your downline faster, you are actually punching that greed button. And let's just say Nolan Arenado World Baseball Classic Jersey , you do get someone in to your organization. Think about what your prospect senses from you?
All you are thinking about is the dollar sign (and your prospect is a just one big cash cow) and you probably already have it spent. Plus, most people are uncomfortable in asking for money anyway, so they don't ask. What happens next is that they quit because they can't ask. So much for helping you build your downline faster, right? I think you may be getting the picture now.
So why do companies teach leading with the opportunity to build your downline faster? Companies teach leading with the opportunity because they are already in profit. They have no need to make changes.
Here are some very interesting statistics:
Companies know that over 90% of distributors are going to first, spend between $100 to $400 to get signed up. Second, each distributor is going to bring in another 2.5 distributors within four months. Third Nate Jones World Baseball Classic Jersey , during the average life-span of a distributor, which is 30-120 days, autoship orders will be purchased and the company will typically pocket an 800% mark-up commission. During this period, there is a steady, revolving door because of the enthusiasm of new distributors. In this recruiting frenzy, hundreds of thousands of distributors are added to the databases of network marketing companies. Then Mychal Givens World Baseball Classic Jersey , fourth, and finally, companies know that 84% of distributors will stop ordering, but they also know that 16% will continue to purchase the products. It's a statistical fact that 1-2% of everyone's 'list of 200 Names' will become a new distributor. So this strategy works great for the company, but not for you.
And if we take a closer look as to why leading with the opportunity doesn't work in building your downline faster or your business for that matter, I will give you 2 additional reasons why:
Your attrition rate will be huge. Like we mentioned earlier Matt Carpenter World Baseball Classic Jersey , if you are recruiting based on the chance to make money in your business, and people aren't making big money right away, they tend to get discouraged and quit. We have to remember that with network marketing, it is a residual income business, which means that it doesn't pay you immediately; it pays you over the long term. So if your downline is being built solely on the opportunity to make money, and when it doesn't happen right away Marcus Stroman World Baseball Classic Jersey , they end up quitting, they stop using the product because it wasn't the solution they were looking for in the first place, and this all translates to constantly replacing your downline, and leaving a huge trail of tears behind you as you try to grow your business.
The second reason that leading with the opportunity doesn't work to build your downline faster is because of credibility. We have to remember that we buy in the presence of expertise and we buy the presence of leadership. If you have already built a residual 6 figure income, then by all means you can lead with opportunity. Most network marketers, when they are just starting out Luke Gregerson World Baseball Classic Jersey , don't have a whole lot of money. So if they are talking to all their friends and family about how to make money, and all their friends and family take a look outside and see you are driving a worn out - looking 1969 VW Bug, is a good chance they will not bother with your opportunity. And even if you do enroll a few people based on the chance to make money, then we go back to reason #1 - when they're not making serious money in a hurry, they are done.
These are two of the biggest reasons that 97% of all network marketers fail. Bluntly, It is a strategy that flat-out does not work for almost everyone. OK Josh Harrison World Baseball Classic Jersey , it works for 3%.
By utilizing a very different strategy - by being a problem solver - and yes, it's a small change, it has a dramatic impact on you and on your ability to build your downline faster. This change alone allows you to actually obtain the success you seek by seeing a 95% success rate. Ok, which way makes better sense to you, 97% failure rate or 95% success rate?
Find Out The Top Strategies Used by the Top 2% Income Earners in Building a Downline Faster by Getting my Free Report entitled, "The No-Nonsense Facts To Making A Six Figure Income In Less Than 12 Months" Jonathan Lucroy World Baseball Classic Jersey , at .>Choose a cattery Cheshire only after extensive research Posted by tedmark on November 22nd, 2015