Difference of ERW http://www.cheapjordanshoeswebsites.com/ , SSAW and LSAW Technology Articles | April 6, 2016 Conveying pipe by the different pipe process, can be divided into seamless steel tube (SML), mainly as oilfield gathering tube and small diameter internal high pressure natural gas pipeline, used for ...
Conveying pipe by the different pipe process, can be divided into seamless steel tube (SML), mainly as oilfield gathering tube and small diameter internal high pressure natural gas pipeline, used for long distance oil and gas pipeline of few in number, the vast majority of long distance pipeline is to use high frequency straight seam welded pipe (ERW), spiral submerged arc welding pipe (SSAW) cheap jordan shoes red , straight seam submerged arc welding pipe (LSAW) three. The table below for the process features of several kinds of steel pipe and quality performance contrast:
High frequency straight seam welded pipe (ERW) according to the welding process is divided into different induction welding and resistance welding two forms, using hot rolled wide strip coil as raw material, through the continuous forming, bending, welding, heat treatment, sizing, straightening, cutting process, such as weld short compared with spiral welded pipe cheap jordan shoes blue , high dimensional accuracy, uniform wall thickness, good surface quality, high pressure, etc. But the disadvantage is that only production of small diameter thin wall pipe, weld easy generation resistant, incomplete fusion, trench corrosion defects. Widely used such as city gas, crude oil transportation.
Spiral submerged arc welding pipe (SSAW) steel strip coil direction when the forming Angle with the center line of the pipe forming (adjustable), forming and welding cheap jordan shoes white , the welding seam into spiral, advantage is that the same specifications of the steel strip can produce various specifications of the steel tube diameter, raw material range is larger, the weld can avoid the principal stress, the stress condition is good, the disadvantage is that poor geometry size, weld length compared with straight seam length, easy to produce cracks, porosity, slag cheap jordan shoes black , weld defects such as welding, welding stress is tensile stress state. The rules and regulations of general oil and gas long distance pipeline design of spiral submerged arc welding pipe can only be used for 3, 4 regions. Abroad will improve after this process will be raw materials instead of steel plate, forming and welding, then welding and lean, cold expanding, after welding, the welding quality is close to UOE tube, at home there is no such process, is the direction of the spiral tube factory to improve in our country. "West-east gas" spiral tube is still used by traditional craft production cheap jordan shoes for sale , only the pipe hole enlargement. The United States, Japan and Germany, on the whole, negative SSAW, don't think it is proper to use SSAW trunk; Canada and Italy part use SSAW, Russia a small amount of use of SSAW, and have made a very strict complementary condition, due to historical reasons, most domestic trunk or use SSAW.
Straight seam submerged arc welding pipe (LSAW) based on single Zhang Zhonghou plate as raw material, the steel in the mold or molding machine medium-voltage (roll) into the pipe cheap jordan retro shoes , using double-sided submerged arc welding and ChengJinHang production of hole enlargement. Its finished product specification range is wide, the toughness of the weld, plasticity, good uniformity and compactness, with large pipe diameter, wall thickness, strong resistance to high pressure, low temperature corrosion resistance, etc. In the construction of high strength, high toughness cheap jordan shoes from china , high quality of long distance oil and gas pipeline, the steel tube are mostly straight seam submerged arc welding of large diameter thick wall pipe. According to the provisions of the API standard in large oil and gas pipelines, when the elevations, sea and city populated area in class 1, 2, straight seam submerged arc welding pipe is the only specify the applicable type. According to the forming methods of different can be divided into:
UOE welded pipe, sheet steel plate after edge bending, after U shape, O forming, welding cheap jordan shoes websites , welding, mechanical cold expanding process;
JCOE welded pipe: according to "J - E - C - O" after welding, forming, welding process by cold hole enlargement, etc;
HME welded pipe: the mandrel rolling method according to the "C - C - O" after forming, welding process by cold hole diameter, etc
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