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Motorola Gleam Is an Attempt to Create a Niche in the Lower End of the Market Spectrum! Technology Articles | August 19, 2011 Motorola Mobility has come out with its budget phone Motorola Gleam. This is a well considered move by Motorola to usurp the low priced market segment that at least it believes will be left open by Nokia in the near future.
Motorola Gleam Focussing on the Value end of the Customer Segment!
Having tasted relative but at the same time satisfactory success with its Defy Reilly Smith Knights Jersey , Droid and Milestone series of smartphones here, the USA-based mobile phone company is now focussing its attention on the value end of the customer segment. Well, at least this is what seems to be the likely case when you look into the recent launch of its new gleaming mobile phone ? the Motorola Gleam. The Motorola Gleam was launched here in the UK mobile phone market place in May Colin Miller Knights Jersey , 2011. And seems to have done enough for the company to feel confident that it will do well, sales wise in the coming months.
By introducing the Gleam, Motorola has actually revived the RAZR. As the Gleam is nothing but a highly upgraded version of the original Motorola RAZR that was a huge success in its time. This move Deryk Engelland Knights Jersey , it has to be acknowledged seems to be the right one when you look at the svelte and sophisticated manner in which the Gleam has been designed and the flip form factor works efforlessly enough.
It is most certainly a fine budget phone option!
Motorola is obviously trying to fill in the gap that it feels Nokia will leave behind or left behind already. It has followed the launch of its first ever dual core processore toting smartphone and a few other higher-end smartphones with this budget phone. While it is true that some of the other rivals also are likely to pitch in and intensify the competition, at least for the time being Motorola has got a head start here at the lower end of the market spectrum.
The Motorola Gleam is a basic phone device that has only GPRS for connectivity. All the same, you can look forward to using its two mega pixel camera that allows for some basic video recording. The flip out does open out to a rather well placed full QWERTY key board that beckons you to use it.
The network service carriers along with the plethora of mobile phone retailers have also done their part by releasing into the market place several cheap Motorola Gleam contracts and other mobile phone deals. The SIM free and unlocked price of the Motorola Gleam is less than £ 70 only.
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