Are you invisible? We can be invisible to anyone and everyone at times. You know the feeling; it would be like trying out for an acting role with 10 Cheap Nikola Mirotic Jersey ,000 other people dressed in the same black and white clothing. What we actually want is to stand out as if we were the only ones dressed in black and white while everyone else is dressed in a light peach clown outfit. It is a tough challenge when everyone is just like us. However, we often force ourselves into this wallpaper strategy when we conform to a prospect's or customer's initial request.
Perhaps you remember what it was like in high school when you wanted to get noticed by the guy or girl you were interested in. It was the little things that you tried anything and just about everything. I remember a girl named Pat that I wanted to meet more than anything and she finally noticed me in the home economics class when we worked on a project together. The only reason I took the class was to get close to her. We ended up dating and having our high school romance.
There isn't much difference in outside sales. We try to get noticed by our clients and prospects in ways that will attract them to us more than others. We might even take a course in something new so we are closer to our client's goals. When we are interested in someone, we want to know everything about them and will ask our friends, their friends and learn as much as we can.
Getting good information and profiling Today we can learn a lot about a business when we use the internet and network with associates who are in the business. We are in the information age and there isn't an excuse for not knowing something about a business, if we are really interested.
We stand a better chance of getting noticed when we know the interests and challenges of the business contact we want to do business with. Anytime we have good information and intelligence on an industry we will stand out and the client will reward us for our perspective and interest in them. We know that the best resource for learning what a client wants is to ask good questions.
Good questions come from knowing what to ask because we suspect what the client is interested in. In high school I learned that my future girl friend Cheap E'Twaun Moore Jersey , Pat, was going to take the home economics course. I took the class and learned how to cook and also met Pat. What a coincidence. In business knowing about a specific service we offer which our prospect shares an interest in is ideal. If they are interested in mailing services, we must learn how to talk to our prospect about mailing services too.
Breaking the ice Getting noticed and becoming visible to our prospects is a matter of learning what they want and filling a need. It is sometimes being in the right place at the right time and knowing we are in the right place at the right time. In sales we often make our own luck and we can accomplish this with solid research on our prospects. Asking good questions is often a key to this success. Good questions serve as great ice breakers when we have done our research.
I want my own domain! Marketing Articles | November 5, 2004 Choosing domain names, or web ... is a major thing when you want to do business online. Whilst a great Cheap Jordan Crawford Jersey , or even halfway decent domain name may not ... success, it can most ... have
Choosing domain names, or web addresses is a major thing when you want to do business online. Whilst a great, or even halfway decent domain name may not guarantee success, it can most definitely have an impact on just about all aspects of your online biz.
When choosing a domain name Cheap Jrue Holiday Jersey , your best bet is to get one that is short, concise and easy to remember, as this will minimise confusion. If you are going for a domain that could possibly cause a bit of confusion, then it`s generally recommended that it falls into one of these categories: words that sound similar, common misspellings Cheap Anthony Davis Jersey , hyphenated or non-hyphenated variations.
On the other hand, long domain names offer more flexibilty in choosing a domain name, allowing you to be more descriptive about what your site is about or what it does.
Don`t choose things like stuff4free or free-stuff-online though, as it makes it hard for the domain to be passed on to others through word of mouth. People can`t actually "hear" whether it`s 4 or four, and they can`t "hear" the hyphens. Again Cheap DeMarcus Cousins Jersey , joe_bloggs looks ok, but try telling someone to go there, joe underscore bloggs dot com is just hard to say.
Personally I`m not a fan of dots, dashes and numbers in a domain name, I think I prefer them as letters all in a row Cheap New Orleans Pelicans Hats , like stuffforfree, freestuffonline and joebloggs (or whatever else the extention may be).
Try testing out names on family and friends, together you could come up with a really great name, one you wouldn`t have thought up on your own, and with a bit of luck it may not have been taken already.
Here are some various links that can be helpful to check out before trying to buy the domain name you want.
You can use a whois search to look up domains that are already in use. This can be particulary useful If you`re looking for information such as the name and address of the registrant Cheap New Orleans Pelicans Hoodies , creation date, expiration date, billing contact, technical contact, administrative contact Cheap New Orleans Pelicans Shirts , and domain servers.